

Presentations available

Here you can find all the slides presented during the 2nd workshop. Note that the copyrights belong to the authors. You can find all position papers in the ICEC conference proceedings!

Session 1 - Opening

Title: Welcome Slides
Author: Robert Walter
Download: S1_001_Welcome.pdf

Title: Model-Driven Software Development - A Brief Introduction
Author: Robert Walter
Download: S1_002_MDSD Introduction.pdf

Title: Game Design as Domain for Model-Driven Development
Author: Katharine Neil
Download: S1_003_Game Design as Domain for MDD.pdf

Session 2 - Position Papers

Title: Automating the Implementation of Games based on Model-Driven Authoring Environments
Authors: Christos Karamanos, Nikitas M. Sgouros
Download: S2_001_Automating the Implementation of Games.pdf

Title: Game Developers need Lua AiR - Static Analysis of Lua using Interface Models
Authors: Paul Klint, Loren Rosendaal, Riemer van Rozen
Download: S2_002_Lua AiR.pdf

Title: Future Trends in Game Authoring Tools
Authors: Florian Mehm, Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz
Download: S2_003_Future Trends in Game Authoring Tools.pdf

Title: The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Model Driven Game Design
Authors: Joris Dormans
Download: S2_004_The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Model-Driven Game Design.pdf

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