1st Workshop (@ICEC 2011, Vancouver)
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PULP scription: A DSL for Mobile HTML5 Game Applications
M. Funk and M. Rauterberg
As applications and especially games are moving to the web and mobile environments, different tools are needed to design these applications and their behavior. HTML5 in combination with JavaScript is a promising basis for such applications on a wide range of platforms. Content producers and designers often lack the tools for such developments, or the expertise to operate existing, but too complex tools. This paper presents work in progress about a novel domain-speci c language (DSL) PULP that aims at closing this gap. The language allows tying content such as images and media files together by modeling the dynamic behavior, movements, and control flow. The DSL helps abstracting from asynchronous JavaScript, state machines, and access to cross-platform media playback, which is generated in a final model-to-text transformation. The DSL and tooling were created and evaluated in close cooperation with content authors.
MDSD for Games with Eclipse Modeling Technologies
S. A. Robenalt
This paper describes an approach to be used to apply Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) techniques to the development of software for 3D games on multiple platforms, with additional usage in Scienti fic Visualization, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Animation applications. Specifi c areas of applicability for MDSD techniques include development tooling and artifact creation. The MDSD support for this functionality can be implemented as extensions to the Eclipse Platform augmented by a subset of the modeling projects that are available with Eclipse.
A Feature-based Environment for Digital Games
Victor T. Sarinho, Antônio L. Apolinário Jr., and Eduardo S. Almeida
Digital games can be considered as an important software development area in our society. This paper proposes the Object Oriented Feature Modeling (OOFM) usage, in order to represent and manipulate distinct game feature models and their configurations in a generic, protected, parameterized and hierarchical way. As a result, a Feature-based Environment for Digital Games (FEnDiGa) is provided, able to create, adapt and configuregeneric game features via OOFM, representing and implementing game logic, rules and goals in a standardized, reusable and portable way.